Activities through the South African Journal of Occupational Therapy (SAJOT)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

CEUs for Authors and Co-Authors

The principal author of a peer reviewed research publication receives 15 Level 1 CEUs and all co-authors receive 5 Level 1CEUs. Authors of not peer reviewed but referenced publications such as scientific letters, commentaries, book reviews, or opinion pieces (receive 5 CEU’s) and co-authors of such publications (receive 3 CEU’s).

CEU’s for Editors

The SAJOT editor of a peer reviewed publication receives 5 CEU’s per article that is published.

CEUs for Reviewers

The peer reviewer of an article receives 3 CEUs

CEUs for Readers

The Health Practitioners Council of South Africa (HPCSA) notes Journal articles with multiple choice questions (MCQs) answered from the article, as a CPD activity: For every five questions, one CEU may be awarded with a maximum of three CEUs per journal volume. A pass rate of 70% is required

This CPD activity is possible, at no charge for all OTASA members using SAJOT articles and accessing the MCQs through CPDSolutions. OTASA members who have registered with CPDSolutions, can read current SAJOT articles of their choice and interest and answer the MCQs

The latest SAJOT articles can be used for CPD activity:

CPDSolution sends these results to the OTASA Office who will notify the HPCSA who capture the CPD activity against the readers name and HPCSA number.
For more information please visit The HPCSA Guidelines for Registered Practitioners November 2021:
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