OTASA Students
So you are almost an OT….Now what?
Useful Tips on what to expect
during community service in the
public sector
Expectations and Fears
- Excitement of graduating and becoming a professional
- Moving to a new place, becoming independent/working
- Potential language and cultural barriers
- Making mistakes and learning from them
- Feelings of incompetence (newly qualified!!!)
- Expect the unexpected
- COVID 19….

ICSP: Internship & Community Service Programme
- ± 280 CSOT posts Nationally, 3-4 choice, NDoH manages the system (https://icspinfo.dhmis.org/)
- Placement is independent of facility input, no access!
- ICSP guidelines (Bursary holders, SA Citizens, permanent residents, etc.)
- System uses an algorithm and spots are allocated accordingly
- Swops/transfers are allowed after first algorithm is placed (bursary holders must swop with bursary holders in same province, NOT for foreigners), Appeal

Benefits of joining OTASA as a student
- Student Leadership camp
- Adopt a student initiative
- Advocacy and change agency
email: president@otasa.org.za

Community Service Contract

- 12 month contract (1 Jan 31 Dec) as a public servant
- 22 day annual leave, 12 days sick leave, 4 months maternity leave, 5 days compassionate leave, 5 days family responsibility leave, etc. PLEASE use this responsibly!
- Understand why MSc or PG studies not supported in study leave
- On completion, Form 27 HPCSA, application for independent practice

Before You Leave Home
- Get organised and think ahead
- Learn how to change a tyre/service your car/jumper leads/AA
Gather basic information about the placement:
- Geographical location
- Road conditions
- What is available in the area
- Accommodation
- Have a good party 🙂

What to Pack
- Important documents with copies (ID, Degree, HPCSA, medical aid docs, medication, prescriptions…)
- Textbooks and Files
- Tax Form
- Camping Gear/ Map /Toolbox
- Music and a good book
- Comfort items (family photo’s/momentos)
- Camera
- ? Recipe book

Preparing for Community Service Placement
- Do some background checks of hospital /facility, phone if necessary and visit if possible, chat to last CSOT?
- Generally, OT HOD will make contact once they receive community service list of names
- Take down contact numbers/names
- Working hours, uniform, directions to dept ….
- ACCOMMODATION! (Hospital or private?)
- Sign contracts asap, banking forms, etc. (HR of facility)

Things to consider
- Accommodation: distance to hospital, your own car?
- Driver’s highly recommended, using govt vehicles may require ‘test’
- Write down emergency numbers in the event your phone goes missing
- Bank account, cheque account… 3 months bank statements/salary slips if you are going to take out your own phone contracts now! Parents sign surety
- Register with SARS
- Rental contracts, flatmates

Where to Start
- Hospital tour: Facilities and Staff
- Get to know existing hospital systems and protocols
- Assess environment and community
- Listen (Expectations….)
- Define your role as an OT (part of a bigger system)
- Get to know the staff and recognize/ value their inputs/ experience
- Learn from mistakes, use the opportunity (develop professionally and personally), Keep good records and patient files
- Find a good support network (learn from senior colleagues and other health professionals)
- Pace yourself and know your limitations (own health vulnerabilities)
- Self reflect and use a journal
- Take responsibility for your actions
- Use your leave responsibly (good work ethic)
- Keep up with CPD
- Have fun!
- Be scared to try something new (within limits)
- Try to make changes too soon
- Give up if you don’t succeed the first time
- Have unrealistic expectations / sustainability
- Be afraid to ask questions
- Don’t forget that the patient is your first priority!
Support, mentorship & development
- Opportunities for skills development (varies between institutions), special leave, funding, IST
- Journal clubs within OT depts & or within institutions
- Provincial District Forums Meetings & CPD events
- National forum reps per province
- MOTH communication tree (e mail)
- OTASA, SASHT, OTOH, SAISI, LAOSA, other disciplines offering relevant workshops/courses
Support, mentorship & development In Rural
- Rural Rehab of SA ( RuReSA ) and ‘Allied’ Health Forums (formal platform)
- Sub district rehab meetings
- Basic and intermediate training is prioritised
- Rural have very little journal clubs or interest groups due to the vast areas that therapists have to cover; encouraged to do online events esp with COVID, attend courses as per operational requirements

National OT Forum reps

Clariza Nell
Northern Cape
Caroline Thage
North West
Leanne Windsor
Free State
Veda Alexander
Free State
Rogini Pillay
Western Cape (Metro)
Angela Chetty
Kwa-Zulu Natal
Nolubeko Xuma Soyizwapi
Eastern Cape
Jill Evertse
Eastern Cape
Post structure in public service
Salary Scales
- CSOT R244 311, plus 37% in lieu of benefits, ? Rural allowance
- Entry Gr 1 R 332 427, Gr 2 R389 794, Gr 3 R459 126
- Chief Gr 1 R 487 305, Gr 2 R557 184
- AD Gr 1 R540 840, Gr 2 R618 396
- DD Gr 1 R896 535, Gr 2 R 1025 891
- Performance management (SPMS/PERMIS) & progressive discipline
- Know your line function and channels of communication if you have challenges! (don’t run to the CEO, HPCSA/OTASA first)
- Bursary holders if you terminate your contract with the DoH before obligation period has been completed you may be required to pay back the money
Preparing for work post CS A note re: CV’s

- Keep track of what you do, diagnoses treated, courses attended
- What projects were you involved in (within dept, hospital, community)
- Did you assist with student training ( OT, others, support staff)
- Ask your supervisor or colleagues permission to act as a reference
- You will require this information for your CV
- Give a little background of the type of facility you worked at, not just the name! (Central, regional or district Hospital, CHC/DHS, psych, paeds, adults, urban/rural, etc)